Thursday, November 1, 2007

Sex sells, sex sells, sex sells!!

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Wicked kinkiness huh? Lol.

On the second one, because it's so large you can't see all of it. It does say "Come see Scarlette's Ladies" and down the bottom it reads "Now with less diseases". Funny huh?

Fashion at it's finest . . . .

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It's true. If you don't have one, you will suffocate.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

What's that smell . . . .

Here is me making a gas mask.

Poor Prima though. She had to stand around for ages with no hair. It just made things allot easier to do. So here is the first image. I shall call it "If Prima Were A Chicken".

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LOL!! She looks so impressed huh?

Then I started to add more to it.

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Not too shabby. Then I textured it.

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Freakin' sweet huh? I like the pokey outtie bits. The mesh wire looks wicked. I also added some straps on the side. I didn't get a shot of that though. I have cracked the shits with Second Life.

It can go die.


Thursday, September 27, 2007

Nothing to report . . . .

Just a quick update. Nothing exciting. Just doing more sketches. SecondLife doesn't like my computer or internet connection so I can't really do stuff at home. I don't know why though, Hamish (my computer) kicks freaking ass. Maybe it doesn't like sharing with my brother.

*shakes fist at the sky*

I should be all set for class when I get back though.

Happy Holidays!!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

A swing and a miss . . . .

Here is my first attempt at making arm bandages.

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They need more shading and I have to make the seams match up. Otherwise I think for my first go they are pretty wicked. Only took an hour to make.

Happy much?

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The first of many . . . .

Hooray for scanners!!

Here are my two first sketches. They are part of my "bandage girls" series. The first is "Nicolette". Yes the woman from my story. The second is "Flee". The only thing I've changed in photoshop was the brightness and contrast.

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Please let me know what you think and whether or not I'm on the right track.


Monday, September 10, 2007

Bandage girls . . . .

So I spent allot of time over the weekend designing clothing. It's just for girls so far. I'm not too good at the male form. The first set are called my "bandage girls". You can imagine what they look like. They have SARS masks and bandages. Hopefully I'm moving in the right direction.

I would show you them but because I'm a moron I forgot to bring my sketch book into class so I could scan them in.

I'll do it tomorrow I'm sure.


Thursday, September 6, 2007

500 you say . . . .

Okay we had to have a story done for todays class. I was lame and forgot mine, not to worry though because Dale said that as long as I have it posted before the day is through it still counts as being handing in on time. God bless the internet. So here it is. It's isn't much, it's not supposed to be much. Just read it and enjoy.

P.S It should be noted that I'm not a writer and therefore should not be held accountable for my crappy writing skills. Enjoy!

Nicolette awoke, the heavy breathing of Jarvis in her ear, his arm stretched across her chest. She lay on her back for a moment and considered her environment. The rancid smell of burning rubbish and industrial waste mingling with the familiar and comforting smell of Jarvis’ body odour. She loved the way he smelt, a mixture of dirt, sweat and blood. Familiar sounds echoed in her ears. The decaying water and sewage pipes that hung above her head, the constant whirr of machinery and the never ending sounds that came from the rest of her species as they went about their daily business. The sounds of Melbourne 2051, a hellish pit of crime and disease.

Slowly Nicolette opened her eyes and waited for them to adjust to the dim light that flooded the room. Carefully she slid herself from underneath her lovers arm and watched him for the most fleeting of moments as he slept. He looked so gentle and calm, not the savage anarchist that roamed the streets at night plotting to overthrow the powers that be. Not the brutal thief. Not the hellish rider. Most of all, not the killer of men. Nicolette smiled to herself as he tossed in his sleep. His hair all shaggy and tousled as it fell upon his face. This was how she loved him.

She sighed to herself and pulled on a pair of rough cut black shorts, grabbed a bra and singlet and threw them on too. Her usual mesh top couldn’t be found in the mess upon the floor so a substitute of arm bandages would have to suffice. She slung her long black hair up into two messy pigtails and slid her goggles onto the top of her head. She sat next to what was sometimes referred to as the dining table and laced up her boots. She paused and sighed once more, another glance over to Jarvis. Last but not least she stood up and slid her gas mask over her mouth. She looked about her home and wondered what had become of Melbourne. Her small flat resembled something more like a rusted tin box that had been thrown away rather than a place where humans lived. A small one room box with a bathroom attached. Everywhere she looked she saw rust. The only new metal in the place was the security lock on the door.

Nicolette pushed aside her disgust for her surroundings and gathered her courage. It was time for her to go out into the city. She was meeting with a group of like minded people who were sick of the revolting way of life that had become the everyday norm. The dirty water, the rotting food, the riots, the looting, the rapes, beatings and murders. Today they were going to stand up for what they thought was right. Today they were going to make a change for the better, they were sure of it and so was Nicolette. Enough was enough and Nicolette was ready.

So, was it what you were expecting? Probably not as it was not what I was. Until next time folks I bid you adieu.

Dont forget about SARS . . . .

Does everyone remember those masks that everyone was wearing when there was that SARS scare a few years ago? Well I was thinking about them and how I could use them too. I'm sure gas masks are everyones cup of tea. I'm also going to include some medical masks too.

Here are some links to images of those masks.


Virus by `RockstarVanity
shut me up by ~HowIDisappear
Zoe Mask by ~mortalum
Heart broken by *EViL-KiTTeeh


Jenn - Portrait of a Nightmare by ~bleedingvisuals
Dirty Doktor 1 by ~otiose
Doctor by ~CX-Kun
Doctor Ang by ~mystikwrytr
The in by ~Akumu-Hime

It's a breathing thing . . . .

Here are some information on gasmasks that I have stumbled across during my travels on the web. Enjoy.

Taken from Wikipedia

Gas Masks

A gas mask is a mask worn on the face/head to protect the body from airborne pollutants and toxic materials. The mask forms a sealed cover over the nose and mouth, but may also cover the eyes and other vulnerable soft tissues of the face. Some gas masks are also respirators, though the word gas mask is often used to refer to military equipment (e.g. Field Protective Mask, etc.).

Airborne toxic materials may be gaseous (for example the chlorine gas used in World War I or particulate (such as many biological agents developed for weapons such as bacteria, viruses and toxins). Many gas masks include protection from both types.

Gas masks used in World War I were made as a result of poison gas attacks that took the Allies in the trenches on the Western Front by surprise. Early gas masks were crude as would be expected as no one had thought that poison gas would ever be used in warfare as the mere thought seemed too shocking

Principles of construction

Unlike other breathing devices, gas masks do not require the user to carry an air supply as in the use of scuba gear. However, this means that the wearer depends on the air in the atmosphere, the same medium of the toxic materials. Thus, the mask must remove them and relay clean air to the wearer. There are three main ways of achieving this: filtration, absorption and adsorption, and reaction and exchange.

Absorption is the process of being drawn into a (usually larger) body, or substrate, and adsorption is the process of deposition upon a surface. This can be used to remove both particulate and gaseous hazards. Although some form of reaction may take place, it is not necessary; the method may work by attractive charges (for example, if the target particles are positively charged, use a negatively charged substrate). Examples of substrates include activated carbon, and zeolites. This effect can be very simple and highly effective, for example using a damp cloth to cover the mouth and nose whilst escaping a fire. While this method can be effective at trapping particulates produced by combustion, it does not filter out harmful gases which may be toxic or which displace the oxygen required for survival.

History and development of the gas mask

A primitive respirator to be used by miners was introduced by Alexander von Humboldt already in 1799, when he worked as a mining engineer in Prussia.

In the early days of World War I, the Canadian Army made field expedient gas masks to protect themselves from the deadly chlorine gas used by the German Army. They would urinate on rags and hold them to their faces.

One such design began as a "Safety Hood and Smoke Protector" invented by African American inventor, Garrett A. Morgan in 1912, and patented in 1914. It was a simple device, consisting of a cotton hood with two hoses which hung down to the floor, allowing the wearer to breathe the safer air found there. In addition, moist sponges were inserted at the end of the hoses in order to better filter the air. Morgan won acclaim for his device when in 1916 he, his brother, and two other volunteers used his device to rescue numerous men from the gas and smoke-filled tunnels beneath Lake Erie in the Cleveland Waterworks.

Due to the run on raw materials during the war, businesses were in increasing competition to find alternates to any material needed for military use. In this case the cotton used in the gas masks, one such solution was the forerunner of Kleenex, called Cellucotton.

Dr. Cluny MacPherson of The Royal Newfoundland Regiment, while serving in Gallipoli in 1915, where he acted as an advisor on poisonous gas, used a helmet taken from a captured prisoner to fashion a canvas hood with transparent eyepieces that was treated with chlorine-absorbing chemicals. The MacPherson respirator gas mask was the first general issue gas countermeasure to be used by the British Army.

The British PH helmet was issued in 1915 and the first box respirator in 1916

But the inventor of the first effective coal gas mask was Russian scientist Nikolay Dimitrievich Zelinskiy in World War I (in 1915) against German gas attacks. In 1916 his gas masks were accepted on arms of the countries of Triple Entente. Zelinskiy gas mask is most popular in the world.

The British had developed and put into use the canister gas mask by the end of the war. This had a mask connected to a tin can containing the absorbent materials by a hose.

Gas masks development since has mirrored the development of chemical agents in warfare, filling the need to protect against ever more deadly threats, biological weapons, and radioactive dust in the nuclear era. However, where agents that cause harm through contact or penetration of the skin occurs, such as blister agent or nerve agent, a gas mask alone is not sufficient protection, and full protective clothing must be worn in addition, to protect contact from the atmosphere. For reasons of civil defense and personal protection, individuals often purchase gas masks in the belief that they prevent against the harmful effects of an attack with nuclear, biological, or chemical (NBC) agents; this is not the case, as gas masks protect only against respiratory absorption. Whilst most military gas masks are designed to be capable of protection against spectrum of NBC agents, they can be coupled with filter canisters that are proof against those agents (heavier) or just against riot control agents and smoke (lighter, and often used for training purposes); likewise there are lightweight masks solely for use in riot control agents and not for NBC situations.

Although thorough training and the availability of gas masks and other protective equipment can render the casualty-causing effects of an attack by chemical agents nullified, troops who are forced to operate in full protective gear are less efficient in completing their given tasks, tire easily, and may be affected psychologically by the threat of attack by these weapons. During the Cold War era, it was seen as inevitable that there would be a constant NBC threat on the battlefield, and thus troops needed protection in which they could remain fully functional; thus protective gear, and especially gas masks have evolved to incorporate welcomed innovations in terms of increasing user-comfort, and in compatibility with other equipment (from drinking devices to artificial respiration tubes, to communications systems etc). The gas mask has thus now arrived at a 'fourth generation' of development.

Here are some other websites that I have found that specialise in gas masks

Le Masque a Gaz

Who invented the gas mask?

What you should know about gas masks

How gas masks work

Last but not least here are some images for your viewing pleasure. Images taken from

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Where is my muse . . . .

Okay so today we are looking for research/reference material to help us develop what we are creating for our Second Life project.

I am making clothing and the like so off to I flew.

Here are the links to the images that I thought were useful. I can't post them here because of copyright. Please feel free to check them out.

As a primary I am looking and researching gasmasks, but if I find other images I'll post links to thoses too.

Gas masks

Survivor by ~f4shi0nabl3
a breath of fresh air by ~goth-gal
Gas mask by ~Krteczek
Gas mask by ~skarlo
Gas Mask Preview by ~Panic-Balcony
Gas Mask by ~NicoleDolly
gas mask by ~gAkb1tCh
red- shot 3 by ~maladjust
aPOcalypSE by *HerrBuchta
Apocalyptica by ~cattiecattie

Building and landscapes (just to help me get the mood right)

Room by ~Keisinger
Apocalyptic by ~t0y-x
Fallout part 1 by ~Old-Melody
Eliza apocalyptic syren 4-30 by ~woodeye
Wasteland by *Herr-Flick
post apocalyptic::t:b:f by =mkIndustrial
2012: The Shopping Cart by ~Anthonym
bombardement by ~heldenriff
Apocalypse by ~Malakprod
Charred Charnel Chair by *BeauEromantica (contains nudity)

Clothing and the like

Gasmask by ~plastik-star
Soonia1 by ~eccehomo
From your point of view by ~silverman
More Point Seven by `lady-atropos
Gas Mask 01 by ~PleasurableObsession
Shelter by ~doggery
Machinist . . . I by ~Askhati
Apocalypse by ~beata-beatrix
Apocalypse. This is mushroom. by *photoport
My Apocalypse by *poisongirl112

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Lots o lists . . . .

Using pen, paper and cameras, we explored the proposed area. We looked at it from a new angle, and explored everything as if we were exploring a new location in Second Life. We went to places we would generally never go to and looked at things from a new 'point of view.' Well actually I just sat at Federation Square for allot of it because I was wearing my 6.5 inch boots and it wasn't very comfy. :(

Then we had to answer some questions.

What is already there that can be used somehow? Objects, buildings, textures, people, businesses etc...

  • Underground stores
          • Stairways
          • Doors
  • Cloud levels
  • Street signs
  • Stores
          • Large amounts of fast food places
  • Paved stone everywhere
          • Not allot of wood
  • Top of buildings are circe 1800's, early 1900's
  • Apartments across the Yarra River
  • Billboards
  • Stages
  • St Pauls Catherdral
  • Lots of sharp edges and angles being used for building on the Federation Square side
  • The ground isn't level
  • Colours are all neutral
          • Creams
          • Beiges
          • Stone
          • Yellows
          • Greys
          • Whites
  • Police presence
  • Lots of lights everywhere
          • Street lights
          • Fairy lights
  • Information booths
  • 8 flags
  • "Art" buildings
  • People exercising
  • Babies and prams
  • People smoking
  • News and fruit stands
  • Banks and ATM's
  • Not allot of seating
  • Rubbish bins everywhere
          • Not allot of rubbish about
  • Broken things are high up
          • Digital clock
  • Noises
          • Hum of traffic
              • Honks
              • Breaking
              • Trucks
              • Trams
          • Crossings
          • People talking
              • Different languages
          • Traffic fluxuations
          • Birds
          • Music
What could be there in the future - how will the overall future theme effect what exists at the moment, and what will replace it?

Taller buildings, less spaces. The overall future theme would effect it by having half buildings, allot of rust, rubbish spread about and dust blowing. I don't think anything would really be replaced. Everything would will be there, just more extreme. Bigger and taller.

What would you like to see?

  • Strip joints
  • Abandonded stores
  • Hidden stores
          • Downstairs
          • Upstairs
  • Eternal sunset
          • Burnt Sky
  • Lots of birds
  • Stage
  • News scrollers
  • Police Presence
  • Groups of people or just single people
          • Maybe bots?
  • Banks and ATM's
          • Own currency

What wouldn't you like to see?

Everything of that typical electric fantastic bullshit that you usually see in futuristic settings. NO FLYING CARS DAMNIT!! AND NO TUBES!!! (thanks pete)

What area would you replicate? Where are the boundaries? How will this be handled?

I would replicate Flinders St between Swanston St and Elizabeth St. There are allot of stores that could be used/replicated. Also the stairs and underground passages that run below the streets would provided lots of interesting areas for exploration.

I also took stock of peoples clothing since that's what I am most interested in.

  • Jeans
          • Lots of pants
              • Winter?
              • Spring?
  • Lots of black
  • Sunglasses
  • School uniforms and business suits
  • Sportswear
  • Bags
          • Handbags and backpacks

And that's my rants so far. I will add more later.


Thursday, August 23, 2007

Welcome to Chanidesigns . . . .

Chanimation is branching out and Chanidesigns has been created!!

I am making clothes for our project.

All post-apocolytic stuff. Gasmasks, radiation suits and all of that.

It's gunna be super fun!! I'll start drawing up some designs when I have some spare time. :)


Chani's got a gun . . . .

Yeah this is my gun.

Yeah I know it's just cylinder, but shut up. It's my cylinder!! It's very very shiny though. I don't know allot about guns and I'm not really interested in them, hence my crappy design.

Still, it works. I proved this by shooting Leaha "Arkelia Cazalet" a few times. *snicker*

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Happy shooting!

And Chani said let there be "Elle"

So today the first thing we had to do is create a tshirt. I thought that this would be a great time to promote my upcoming game "Elle's Heart", which I am creating in GD2 with Lisa.

This is the "Elle Shirt". Elle is on the front and on the back it says "I wanna be like Elle". Nifty huh?

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Then we had to make objects and attach them to ourselves. I made some leopard ears and a tail.

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Yeah my tail aint that great. It's pretty square, but if I made the right texture I could make it look round.

We then moved on to pop-guns. I made one. It was big and shinny. Very tube like. Then for the millionth time today Second Life crashed on me and I cracked the shits and just quit. If I can I will take some shots of it later, but right now I'm too mad at Second Life.

Grrrrrrr *angry face*

Apparently we are going to be talking about the assignment soon. I'll update about that later. Here are some bigger screenshots for you.

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Have fun.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Everybody wants me . . . .

Barns Balhaus has invited you to join a group in Second Life.

Barns Balhaus has invited you to join a group.
There is no cost to join this group.
Cube Gallery Artwork: come and see the new CUBE GALLERY I & II

in Heisenberg 247,200,282 in the sky &
Kryptonite Island 216, 13, 21 with Beach

there are changing exhibitions of mordern art, paintings, pictures, comicstrips
but something more like a present for visiting.

who wants exhibit own artworks IM me

Barns Balhaus

Anyone else getting invites?! I might consider this one though. I'll have to investigate about it though. I don't want my art work stolen or anything.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

The missing link . . . .

I missed class on Thursday for personal reasons.

Hopefully I'll catch up and it will be all good.

Just checked out Dale's page too, it seems we have a theme. Not all that keen on it but I haven't heard all the details yet. Either way I'll give it a red hot go.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag . . . .

Okay so for the rest of the class we were told to build a house. This so didn't happen for me because the damn thing kept freezing everything freaking 3 minutes!! This is how far i got.

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How freaking lame?!

Not impressed at all.

My life as a box . . . .

Yeah, so then we had to upload a photo of ourselves to use as a texture. It costs 10 lindens to do this. Not cool. Apparently it's not so bad but when you've only got like 90 it's a big deal.

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I hid away on a dock so no-one would see me as a box. I also made a small box too. Stupid photos.


It's all in the family . . . . .

I ran into another Katscher!! Exciting much?! Above her head it did read "Fuki Slave
Keiko Katscher". So Keiko Katscher is a slave to Fuki huh? Crazy. I kinda left her to do her own thing when I saw that she was downloading free sex stuff.

That's a whole barrel of fish that I just don't want to dive into. Lol.

Was kidna cool thought to see another Katscher. Like we are related or something. It's crazy how something small and pointless, like an online name, can make you feel something towards a complete stranger.

I hope I run into more Katshers.

What you see here now . . . . .

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Me and Prima.

Yeah. We both wear black, have dark hair, dark make-up. What some would call "goth". Just depends on your point of view I guess.

Looks reasonably similar, I just usually make myself taller and thinner.

I hate photos of me. You can see better ones at

Hopefully we don't have to do this again. :)

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

tailor made . . . .

Okay so I've been giving it some thought about what we should do in the class and what I would like to do. I realy think I'd like to tackle making clothes. I mean you can change your body in so many different ways in second life so I'm not sure how you would get around that.

Maybe I could just make my own body that people would have to use while wearing my clothes.

No matter was is decided in class clothes are still going to be needed. I'm sure I could figure out a way so I could make them. I'm not really into the whole item making thing, nor do I want to make houses and landscapes.

People always need accessories, shoes, bags, clothes, make up and hair. From what I see there really isn't that much of it that is that great. I could even do costumes. Now that would be wicked.

I guess I shall have to wait and see what is decided in class.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

hello canoes . . . .

Yup! That's right! After visiting and reviewing 3 places on Second Life we were asked to create something. I was stuck for an idea so I used one of Dale's ideas and built myself a canoe.

This is my canoe.

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Isn't it pretty? I'm very proud of my canoe. I might add in a tail thingy later, and maybe a ring thingy on the side for the oars to be threaded through. I always hate trying to texture these damn things. I don't have any textures yet besides the default ones. I'll probably go looking for some in a freebie warehouse later. So I end today with another shot, this time it's me in my canoe!!

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God knows what I'm looking at but 2 points for trying to sail in a canoe which resides on land. Go Prima!! She's got smarts. *giggle*


the cavern . . . .

Name: The Cavern

Like: Some of the decor is kinda cool. Spacious, could probably do with something more to it.

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Dislike: The fact that the description missed out on a few things. After closer inspection it turned out to be s bdsm, strip joint place. At least the people there were happy to talk to me.

Come back?: Most likely not. It's not my kinda thing.

damania . . . .

Name: Damania

Like: The architecture of Damania is fascinating. It looks like it's built of a kind of metal, possibly copper or gold. It is all curveous and slinky. When you enter into Damania you see a billboard when, if you click on it, will teleport you to that place on the map. Saves allot of time. In Damania lots of things are available to buy. You can buy fantastic houses, sculptures, classy furniture, old fashioned cars or even a cat!! Although it all seems just a little bit expensive.

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you can even play some kind of car game there too.

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Dislike: Nothing really. It loads relatively quickly and is very easy to navigate around thanks to the mapping system. The only problem I have with it is that everything is very expensive.

Come back?: Maybe when I get some money to spend. I'd have to be in it for the long run though otherwise it will just seem like a waste.

hidden leaf village . . . .

Name: Hidden Leaf Village

Likes: The place actually resembles the Hidden Leaf Village, Konoha, from the anime series Naruto. It very bright and seems very easy to navigate around.

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Dislikes: There seems to be a large abundance of rules that you have to abide by.

Rules of the Hidden Leaf Village


Rules for all persons:

- No guns in the village, period.
- No spamming, griefing, or any other obvious Terms of Service violations, these will result in bannings.
- Do not beg for money from other players
- Do not ask stupid questions you can easily find the answers to on your own.
- JUTSU ARE NOT PERMITTED IN THE VILLAGE. Only in the arena may jutsu be performed. In the Village you may use swords or Taijutsu, but no other jutsu.
- Do not peddle items in the village unless you are paying for a shop
- Follow any commands given by higher ranks
- no push jutsu are allowed that have a large push sufficient to knock one out of sight
- No autoshields
- The village is not the place for building. Go to a sandbox.
- Do not ask stupid questions.
- Read and follow the list of banned jutsu.
- Do not wear clothing that does not fit your rank. No ANBU masks if you are not ANBU, no vests if you are not Jounin/Chuunin etc.

Rules for members:

- Wear your Konoha tag at all times while in the village
- Wear your character 􀀀 at all times
- Speak using proper roleplay format, including brackets for OOC speach and /me to show actions. Please limit OOC speach. This is a roleplay sim after all. You may also set your Title as OOC as an alternative to brackets.
- You must wear clothing consistant with the Naruto series. No clothing or objects inconsistant with the Naruto series may be in the village.
- Genin and above may swear within reason. Excessive swearing to the point of impropriety will be punished.
- You may not use Naruto Series names as your character name, though they may be your SL name.
- Students are not authorized to use jutsu or most kinds of weaponry, even when sparring.
- All problems and disturbances should be reported to higher ranking officers. Students and Genin should not take it upon themselves to react to griefers or rulebreakers.
- Godmoding is forbidden. This means no cursed marks, or sealed tailed beasts.
- Students are not permitted to have tails. Furry avatars are accepted but not encouraged.
- Obey all ranks higher than your own

Rules for newcomers/visitors/nonmembers
- Please read all informational notecards thoroughly before asking questions
- there is a specific process involved for membership. Your account must be at least one month old to join. You must also have been in and around the village for at least four days. There is a 50L entrance fee to join. You are to dedicate yourself completely to this village if you are a member, so you cannot be in any other Naruto groups.
- You may feel free to visit and observe the roleplay in the village. If you see a roleplay going on, try not to interrupt. You are considered Out of Character visitors.
- Please listen to and respect the requests of members.
- No group tags from other ninja villages are allowed, except for the Amegakure, who must wear their Amegakure group tags in Konoha.

Come back?: If I was interested in joining a online role playing Naruto themed space I would definately come back, it would take some preparation though. Getting the right clothing, learning the rules and such might just take a little more time than I'm willing to give at the moment though.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

so many ideas, so little time . . . .

So here I am. It's midday and I'm still in my pj's!! Gosh I love my day off uni. Anyway I said I would update and so here I am. Here are a list of the ideas that we came up with in class for our island which I stole from Dale's site.

* Pirate ship
* Theme Park
* Mutant/Minion/Fights
* Kill them all
* Human Body
* Underwater
* Chocolate Land
* Safari/Zoo/Farm
* Harry Potter
* Virtual Melbourne
* Alpine (Snow, caves, igloos etc)
* VU Building
* Net of future
* Alice in Wonderland
* 19th Century Aussie Town with droids
* Extreme Sports
* Online Festivals
* Stoneage/Medieval
* Creative Platform
* Evil Lair/Battlezone
* Second heaven and hell
* TV World
* Art Gallery/Museum
* Bot band
* PC Land
* Coluseum/Parthenon
* Historical
* Supermario/Family Guy/FF/WOW/Simpsons
* Shopping mall/arcades
* Comic book world
* Space station/Moonpad
* Alien Planet
* City of the Future - Cultures of the past
* Lego theme
* Abbatoir/Torture
* Mansion
* Racing
* Fashion House
* Neverending disco
* Garbage dump
* 50s B Movie
* Musicals/Theatre/Concerts
* Gangster town

We took up allot of space on the white board. I really like the human body idea, a full blown community inside of a human body. You could have a bar in the liver!!

Since I'm such a little morbid thing as well I love the idea of having an abbatoir/torture chamber kind of thing. Have like rotting bodies everywhere, tools used for gruesome experiments and massive structures full of secret rooms and passages. Not to mention the blood. We could make a lake of blood, or even rotting flesh!!

Doing something in an Alpine setting would work too. I wonder if you could make it so that everyone on the island randomly shivered so it gave more of a sense of being cold, or everyone walked about with a little cloud infront of their mouths so it looked like they were breathing in very cold weather. Even if we could engineer it so it actually looked like it snowed would be pretty awesome too.

Well it's time for me to get some breakfast/lunch.


Thursday, July 26, 2007

a room with a view . . . .

Today seemed to go past really really quicker. I guess that was because I was actually working. *giggle* Well today was all about building things for ourselves. I cheated a little bit by importing a rug, lamp and couch, but all the rest of it was done by me.

I made a 2 story building. It simply started out as just a wall but I soon got the hang of it. I just had a little trouble trying to line everything up and make sure that nothing overhanged. Here is me making some stairs.

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Here is the view from my bottom room window. Nice huh? People would pay lots of money for a view that good!! Pity it wont last. :(

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The top floor! It will eventually have maybe some fairy lights and an outdoor setting but for now all it has is its view. How cool is it that you can see night and day at the same time?!

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And finally here is me chilling on the couch that I stole. I'll make my own later. I really want old furniture. Long loveseats in damask and dark wood. Classic.

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So ends another day in my second life. Will update later about the discussion we had in class about what brainstormed for idea for our island.


Friday, July 20, 2007

seems a little strange . . . .

So today I'll flicking through all the emails that I've recieved. A large majority of them are just spam, wonderful wonderful spam. I got a little bit excited though when I saw one email though. It was from second life and someone was asking me to be apart of their group. I felt a little rush and opened my email to see what group I had just been asked to join. Then my little heart sunk. The email contained . . . . .

Almirante Noel has invited you to join a group in Second Life.

Almirante Noel has invited you to join a group.
There is no cost to join this group.
Este Grupo serve para promover Portugal

Promover e divulgar empresas
Marcar encontros para eventos reais em Portugal
Intercambio com todas as Faculdades

Visita a Sede do Grupo PORTUGAL ONLINE e levanta a tua prenda gratuita

Vai em breve comecar cursos (com creditos L$) na sala do Grupo (Podes
reservar por periodos de 1 hora)

Inscreve-te no workshop com sorteios em directo e patrocionios de empresas

I don't remember speaking Portugese on second life. Hell I don't even remember learning Portugese!! I do definately remember clicking on the little thingy at the start saying "I speak English" though. So does that mean that people can just randomly pick people out of the blue and add them to groups? Am I now going to become a victim of this? Getting ridiculous invitations to groups that serve no purpose to me? I will not be a happy chappie if this continues. I get enough spam as it is.

End rant.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

welcome to my second life . . . .

Howdy there folks.

Today during my first IST class I signed up for my very own "second life". I have given myself the name "Prima Katscher". Spent quite a while fiddling about with facial and body attributes whilst everyone else was off getting freebies. Apparently this is just what chicks do. They want to look good before doing anything. I agree. Plus it's fun to customise. It's just a pity that it's all jerky and laggy at uni. Takes forever for anything to load.

We also discussed what we wanted out of the course and what we were aiming for generally in life.

Having a second life was never one of my goals. I had actually said to myself that I purposely wouldn't get one because everyone else had one. Seems ridiculous now given that I have to have one for school. It's fun to play around with all the clothing and hair though. Here are some snapshots of Prima. The first is just her. Her hair rocks. The second is her dead in the water. She's even all blue and slimy, hehehe. Well not really but that's how I see it.


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