Thursday, August 23, 2007

And Chani said let there be "Elle"

So today the first thing we had to do is create a tshirt. I thought that this would be a great time to promote my upcoming game "Elle's Heart", which I am creating in GD2 with Lisa.

This is the "Elle Shirt". Elle is on the front and on the back it says "I wanna be like Elle". Nifty huh?

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Then we had to make objects and attach them to ourselves. I made some leopard ears and a tail.

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Yeah my tail aint that great. It's pretty square, but if I made the right texture I could make it look round.

We then moved on to pop-guns. I made one. It was big and shinny. Very tube like. Then for the millionth time today Second Life crashed on me and I cracked the shits and just quit. If I can I will take some shots of it later, but right now I'm too mad at Second Life.

Grrrrrrr *angry face*

Apparently we are going to be talking about the assignment soon. I'll update about that later. Here are some bigger screenshots for you.

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Have fun.

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