Thursday, July 26, 2007

a room with a view . . . .

Today seemed to go past really really quicker. I guess that was because I was actually working. *giggle* Well today was all about building things for ourselves. I cheated a little bit by importing a rug, lamp and couch, but all the rest of it was done by me.

I made a 2 story building. It simply started out as just a wall but I soon got the hang of it. I just had a little trouble trying to line everything up and make sure that nothing overhanged. Here is me making some stairs.

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Here is the view from my bottom room window. Nice huh? People would pay lots of money for a view that good!! Pity it wont last. :(

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The top floor! It will eventually have maybe some fairy lights and an outdoor setting but for now all it has is its view. How cool is it that you can see night and day at the same time?!

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And finally here is me chilling on the couch that I stole. I'll make my own later. I really want old furniture. Long loveseats in damask and dark wood. Classic.

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So ends another day in my second life. Will update later about the discussion we had in class about what brainstormed for idea for our island.


1 comment:

Dale said...

Great pics and nice work. See you next week.