Thursday, November 1, 2007

Sex sells, sex sells, sex sells!!

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Wicked kinkiness huh? Lol.

On the second one, because it's so large you can't see all of it. It does say "Come see Scarlette's Ladies" and down the bottom it reads "Now with less diseases". Funny huh?

Fashion at it's finest . . . .

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It's true. If you don't have one, you will suffocate.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

What's that smell . . . .

Here is me making a gas mask.

Poor Prima though. She had to stand around for ages with no hair. It just made things allot easier to do. So here is the first image. I shall call it "If Prima Were A Chicken".

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LOL!! She looks so impressed huh?

Then I started to add more to it.

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Not too shabby. Then I textured it.

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Freakin' sweet huh? I like the pokey outtie bits. The mesh wire looks wicked. I also added some straps on the side. I didn't get a shot of that though. I have cracked the shits with Second Life.

It can go die.


Thursday, September 27, 2007

Nothing to report . . . .

Just a quick update. Nothing exciting. Just doing more sketches. SecondLife doesn't like my computer or internet connection so I can't really do stuff at home. I don't know why though, Hamish (my computer) kicks freaking ass. Maybe it doesn't like sharing with my brother.

*shakes fist at the sky*

I should be all set for class when I get back though.

Happy Holidays!!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

A swing and a miss . . . .

Here is my first attempt at making arm bandages.

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They need more shading and I have to make the seams match up. Otherwise I think for my first go they are pretty wicked. Only took an hour to make.

Happy much?

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The first of many . . . .

Hooray for scanners!!

Here are my two first sketches. They are part of my "bandage girls" series. The first is "Nicolette". Yes the woman from my story. The second is "Flee". The only thing I've changed in photoshop was the brightness and contrast.

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Please let me know what you think and whether or not I'm on the right track.


Monday, September 10, 2007

Bandage girls . . . .

So I spent allot of time over the weekend designing clothing. It's just for girls so far. I'm not too good at the male form. The first set are called my "bandage girls". You can imagine what they look like. They have SARS masks and bandages. Hopefully I'm moving in the right direction.

I would show you them but because I'm a moron I forgot to bring my sketch book into class so I could scan them in.

I'll do it tomorrow I'm sure.
